Learn Continously
Let me start off with a story. There lived two wood cutters, Alan and Bob. Alan and Bob are friends. Both start off their work day at 7am. They go to the forest, fell some wood. Then, they take them to the market at the end of the day and sell them.
A caveate though, Alan stopped his day at 5pm, where as Bob stopped his work at 4pm. Bob, after selling his yield for the day would then talk to the timber merchant, talk to the machinery guys, carpenter and understand how things were in their profession and what was new. Alan on the other hand was too tired for any of these. He would however would always have more yield hence made more money every day.
Fast forward 10 years, who do you think is more successful in their life. Alan or Bob? Who are you?
Intrinsically I have been on a continous learning. I generally like knowing new things, applying them in my day-to-day stuff and learning from them. Until I met my mentor Vijay who gave a structure to this and made me realise how important it is as a leader not just to have the continous learning for yourself but also for the team. This is one of the pillars of what he called a Good Team Culture.
I am glad that I was able to inculcate this meta learning in my leadership and have been very vocal about it. Continous learning repels apathy, keeps you curious and ensures you are a better you.
When I was reached out by an old colleague to come to their team learning I was elated. What made me happier was this series is on-going for close to a year. I have seen this enthu fizz out after a few sessions. Learning is important, continous learning is essential.
So I ask you again, Who are you, Alan or Bob?
Who do you want to be?